5 things about trampolines that may not be true

Trampolines have a bad reputation. You’ve probably heard stats, rumors, story from a friend-of-a-friend about trampolines. But when used appropriately (and with a little common sense) trampolines can be a fantastic addition to your backyard. So … we’ve gone ahead and compiled a list of the top five trampoline myths to show you why they’re…

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6 things you need to know before buying a trampoline

With so many different trampoline models available ranging from inexpensive to premium quality, choosing the right trampoline can be tricky. People often ask which trampoline is right for me? What size should I choose for my yard? What size and model trampoline is best for my family? Follow these steps to find the right fit…

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Tired of playing H-O-R-S-E?

5 Basketball games you can play with your kids other than HORSE       Basketball doesn’t have to be a sweaty, competitive game of 5-on-5. Maybe there are only three children playing, or the game is being dominated by more athletic children, leaving others without the opportunity to play. Either way, there are numerous…

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Goalrilla VS Goalsetter. Which should you choose?

As you’ve probably realized by now, there are many residential basketball systems available on today’s market. At Playground World, we carry two of the best-selling residential hoops in America: Goalrilla and Goalsetter. This article will help you understand some of the differences between the two basketball systems. Goalrilla Advantages: Dupont® Powder Coated Paint – Powder…

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4 things to look for in a basketball hoop

A new basketball hoop is a long term investment, so it is important to do your research and compare the various models to find the one that best suits your kids, your yard and your budget. Here are 4 variables to evaluate before making your investment: Adjustable rims: Basketball rim regulation height (in NBA, college,…

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Treadmill or Trampoline? Make the Smart Investment

When most people are considering purchasing exercise equipment for their home they think – treadmill. But is the treadmill the right investment for you and your family? A study by the American Council on Exercise found that bouncing on a trampoline for less than 20 minutes is just as good for you as running. The…

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